Musk previously took issue with Amazon announcing plans to launch more than 3,000 internet satellites, rivalling SpaceX's Starlink. Musk currently sits at number two, behind the French luxury tycoon Bernard Arnault, while Bezos is fifth, per Bloomberg's Billionaire Index.
The pair have overlapping interests and often trade places as the world's richest person. Musk has been feuding with Jeff Bezos for some 15 years and regularly accuses him of being a copycat. Dotcom is prolific on Twitter and regularly interacts with Musk on the platform.
Musk was responding to a tweet from Kim Dotcom, the New Zealand-based German internet entrepreneur who has been fighting extradition to the US for the better part of two decades for charges relating to his file-sharing site. Responding to a tweet suggesting the Amazon founder "copies" every business move he makes, Musk said, apparently sarcastically: "Maybe it's a coincidence." Elon Musk's beef with Jeff Bezos continues.